Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Hey there! If you have any questions about this site, this page aims to answer them.

What was

It was a miiverse recreation (with the same source code we're using rn but shittier) I was hosting back in 2020, lacked of security due to me having barely any knowledge, there was a lot of drama on that place due to me making a lot of people admin, the wrong kind of people, made up drama because i was being edgy. Quick reminder I was 13 during these events.

I want more info about this, and the owner "SMF9"

Sure! You should check this for my user "lore" and this link for more info about the original rehost i've made.

I'm under 13yo, can I join?

Again, due to the COPPA, no, we are not accepting anyone who is under 13. Check our rules for more info, anyways you should read them here

Why are some gifs working and others aren't?

Depends the weight of the file, if it is over 5mb it most likely isn't uploading. Try to pick a smaller one.

This issue was fixed in June. Keep in mind you can't upload anything past 15mb, because I don't really want the server to explode neither.

What are you doing with my data?

Nothing, really. In fact, admins cannot see/change passwords from the database, all we can see is your IP fr though but that's all and no one is going to do anything with it. If that happens, please contact SMF9 before doing anything and taking bad decisions for yourself and people.

Also if you want anything removed, ask the staff. You can also check the data stored in your account below.