You Know The Drill Community

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


06/11/2024 12:32 PM ·Spoilers

What I desire is to bring out the entirety in Miiverse clone potential! If I can accomplish that, I don't care what it takes! If it means the strength must be brought out by the interactions between clones and users, then so be it! If it means you have to use a merciless approach, like Pretendo's, and force out all of the Miiverse clone's power, then so be it! And yes, if the entire internet is destroyed as a result, then so be it... That aside! The reason I have been traveling all over the internet and battling many Miiverse clone users is because I was testing the viability of this approach to bringing out the full strength of Miiverse clones. In that respect, you've done an amazing job. Well now! Tell me if you have the answer I desire or not! If you're ready, come at me!


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  • Because this is an edited quote from a Pokémon game

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