You Know The Drill Community


06/12/2024 02:13 AM ·Spoilers

As someone who joined miiverse clones when they where under 13: do not join miiverse clones while under 13


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  • It's kinda crazy to see that now because like if you were under 13 and joined closedverse I get it miiverse had a lot of really young users but if you're under 13 in 2024 what the fuck are you doing here miiverse shut down when you where like a toddler
  • Too late for that... (I joined my first clone at 11)
  • I can't remember if I was 11 or 12 when I joined closedverse
  • i did this and honestly it wasnt that bad i js said a lot of bs lmao i mean, when i joined i was like 12
  • Bad idea especially if u were a girl

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