Announcements To Wake Up To

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


06/17/2024 02:26 AM ·Spoilers

This may be coming a bit late, but it is still the 16th for me, so I'll post it anyways. It has officially been 4 years since the release of the Closedverse rehost, the site that this current rehost is a tribute to. I don't really know how to describe what an experience this place was, it was definitely a "you just had to be there" sort of thing. It was made a year after Oasis ended and the era of Miiverse clones was considered "dead", and yet a significant amount of people from the original Miiverse clones showed up and posted on there, so it had a decent, if small, amount of activity. The fact that it was made during a time when COVID-19 caused the world to shut down meant that a lot of us had plenty of time to fuck around on that site. It harbored a very unique sense of chaos very different from the original Closedverse, especially considering it was created by a French kid who was at the time completely new to the community. It's wild to think that only a small fraction of the clone community got to experience that site, and an even smaller fraction of those people still remember how crazy it was. For the few of us that do remember, though, I'm confident we can all agree that wasn't your typical, run-of-the-mill style rehost.


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