You Know The Drill Community

bella swagswagtasticfella

06/24/2024 06:52 PM ·Spoilers

hello vro


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  • Wait shit were you someone who used clones back in the day because if so I might remember you if I'm thinking of the right person
  • @jokko yes !! i used to be on closedverse alongside other clone sites back in the day ^_^
  • Okay I have a feeling I know who you are but if the person I'm thinking of is right I don't think you had a consistent username

    Was this your Mii by any chance
  • YES !!! that was me 😭 omg i'm surprised someone remembers me lolll
  • OH SHIT HI? It has definitely been a while since I last saw you holy fuck. I think you were that little history obsessed kid back in the day. Good to see you again
  • yeah, i was that weird history obsessed kid and i still am today but i also kinda moved on to other things too !! i'm surprised such a site like this is still around

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