Announcements To Wake Up To

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


06/26/2024 02:37 PM ·Spoilers

"What happened???" SMF9's domain provider took down this site under the domain because it was "caught in a security filter" and so he had to move this clone to a new domain, As such, all users here have been signed out and will have to log back in to access this site again. If you cannot remember your password, then unfortunately you will have to make a new account because we don't have password resetting implemented here yet. I advise using a "burner password" for Miiverse clones instead of using the same password you use for your traditional social media accounts just to be on the safe side, password leaks aren't likely to happen but they have happened before on prior clones. Hopefully SMF9 is able to make redirect to the current link. But in the meantime, you may inform people who use this clone that the link has changed. Hopefully something like this won't happen again, but realistically there might be the possibility that it will. What happens to the site after that is up to SMF9, he may switch domains again or shut down the site for good. We'll see what happens.


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  • NOOOO f"ck whoever did this
  • Stupid hosting provider staff
  • Could have been. But he's too dumb

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