You Know The Drill Community


06/03/2024 11:44 PM ·Spoilers

I think I like ciiverse more as a source for clones because it has custom communities tbh but closedverse is more iconic


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  • I think it's funny no one uses grape despite it being the closet to miiverse it's always either closedverse or ciiverse
  • Ciiverse is good, if you set it up right, but it also has its defaults since its a old source, the closedverse source i'm using is like 6 months old, and is way more secure than it once was like with the 2017 source
  • Oh wait I'm stupid this does have custom communities nevermind it's awesome
  • But yes Closedverse is the icon, ngl thats the source i like the most (no shit sherlock), and its also the easiest to setup in fact, if you have a vps
  • Yup, also yea u can create custom communities but u only got one community token
  • theres mp4 support (please for gods sake dont upload anything past 4mb~ because theres a limit anyways and yea

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