Announcements To Wake Up To

smf9 hates python fuckgiooibopvpcxmcxmmnpf


07/02/2024 09:16 PM ·Spoilers

Hey everyone, the upload limit for videos is now increased and fixed! (For images as well, like gifs) and now the limit is at around 15MB! I'd like to thanks a certain user for the help also, without them I probably would have had checked 1528692290 bad forums that wouldnt have gave me any help. Please, as always follow the rules and don't send anything that could potentially get you warned/banned. Quick reminder entire movies are forbidden as well.


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  • oh yeah also now, people are forced to sign in/sign up to see the website, I guess that is a good thing for people like Adam reporting our domains.
  • No Movies free :(

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