Announcement Purgatory



06/03/2024 03:32 PM ·Spoilers · Edited (06/04/2024 03:54 PM)

Quick Q&A: Q: “What's. This. Site” A: Read the front page. Q: “Is this site serious? 🥺” A: There was and will never be a thing such as a serious Miiverse clone, but if you rather mean “Will this be as chaotic as the previous clones?” certainly not. I myself have some skepticism about going back to this after quite a few years of barely not touching clones, in retrospect I no longer find much amusement at all on this, but I do find the Closedverse and similarly other clones interfaces and functionalities neat as a place to hang out as much as I have reinforced the idea of using Discord and others instead before. I guess being in control makes me feel more comfortable with it. Q: “Is this a replacement for Sillyverse?” A: No? Yes? 😵‍💫 DaKux was supposedly getting this site and it was up in fact a day before Sillyverse died so it was meant to co-exist with it, but yeahh that kind of happened whether it's temporary or not. Q: “Can I be admin?” A: No!!!!!!! Though maybe I will have to consider with DaKux making anybody else admin especially someone that can cover for USA timezones since I have already had a bad experience previously with going to sleep and boom “noooooo miivarse clone up in flames 😭😭😭😭” Q: “Why is there so much The Mii™” A: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬#########🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬##🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


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