You Know The Drill Community

smf9 hates python fuckgiooibopvpcxmcxmmnpf


07/27/2024 11:15 AM ·Spoilers

I'll phase it again better for you this time around, since you're hard of seeing the FULL TRUTH!: By the way SMF9 before you REMOVE me again, think HARD what Kitty just said (Below this post) to you on your current post, eh. "Nyargle" Does run her SUPERIOR Clone better than you do. "WHY!", you ask? Because there ain't no Fucked Up Toxic Troll SHIT like you Tolerate over here. That's why. Speaking of Cock & Balls, if I didn't have any, I wouldn't even Call you out on this Twisted Stupidity that you LIKE run here just like Arian Kordi did on "ClosedVerse!" Get that through your Numskull! Calling me a Pussy, I'm not the Hypocrite that REMOVES accounts if Regular Users don't play by the Twisted Admin's Fucking Rules here! I posted a Luigi game on the Luigi Community & I get judged for this TOO? Why bother with Game Communities when you can't Post a LEGIT Post for that Specific theme? YOU and this website are like a Poor-End Made Chinese Sega Mega Drive II Clone-Like Console. You think it's good, but when you start to use it, you only go to find out that your playing with complete SHIT! "Just LEAVE if you don't like it!" Sounds like this IS the best way to Back Up your Excuses as long as THESE 2 CORRUPT Administrators such as "Adrian (Kokomobabes)" & "The godwater (Sosig)" both run this place as well. Face it, YOU are the ULTIMATE Mastermind behind all of this and are Enjoying EVERY SINGLE MOMENT in your Pathetic Life & all you can do behind Closed doors is Laugh at ALL of us, like Lucifer from Hell. If you Love to Imitate The DEVIL ("Satan" himself.) so much, then why don't YOU just Join him in Eternal HELL!:


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