You Know The Drill Community

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


08/27/2024 12:52 PM ·Spoilers · Edited (08/27/2024 12:54 PM)

Barthouse steps outside his house. In the corner of his eye he sees a gang of cloaked men. "Coy Seibel..... we are coming for you....." they say in unison. Barthouse is scared terrified. Immediately starts running out of his house as fast as he can. He finds himself in a dark forest. Suddenly he trips on a branch and falls. The cloaked men catch up to him and surround him. One of them takes his hood off. Revealing himself to be none other than the Great Mighty KT. He drops his pants on the floor, sticks his BBC out. Then does a hand gesture to his men. They all take off their pants, their BBCs coming out in unison. KT speaks. "Turn around and do 'it', or you're not gonna like what's coming to you..." Barthouse, terrified more than he ever was his entire life, turns around and starts doing the thug shaker. KT and the cloaked men's BBCs all rise at the same time. Suddenly Barthouse's fear turns into anger. In the middle of doing the thug shaker, he starts slamming his ass at the cloaked disciples' BBCs one by one, knocking them all unconscious. He proceeds to strike KT with all his might. KT merely chuckles. "It's gonna take more than that to strike me down...", he responds. Barthouse smiles, "I know." He pulls out his phone, opens up YouTube, and starts livestreaming himself in the woods. KT's face becomes pale in fear. Suddenly he starts screaming in agony. He violently expodes, his gorey remains falling to the ground. Barthouse pants, still in shock, dripping enough sweat to fill a water bottle. "It's over..." he says. He starts walking slowly out of the woods, back to his home. "Now... it's time to go back to business. That GoAnimate video won't finish itself."


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