Announcements To Wake Up To

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


09/09/2024 11:45 AM ·Spoilers

Today, September 9, is a very special day in Miiverse clone history. On this day, 7 years ago in 2017, Closedverse was officially released to the public. It wasn't the first Miiverse clone by any means, but I think everyone can agree that it was the "big one", the one that everyone thinks of when they think of a "Miiverse clone", the one that cultivated the Miiverse clone community as we knew it then, and as we know it now. It's almost impossible to describe the monumental impact this site had in a single post. Throughout its year-and-a-half long lifespan, it was able to amass over 10000 users, hundreds of communities, and countless posts. It was a site the likes of which we haven't seen on the internet before or since. Miiverse clones as we know them would be incredibly different without it. Below is a snapshot from September 10, 2017, the earliest known Closedverse community snapshot, back when the logo was still red, the domain was still, and the trademark checkered background hadn't even been implemented yet.


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  • what an awesome website, great work! sure hope the server running this thing doesn't get ceased by the police

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