You Know The Drill Community

little john


06/04/2024 02:52 PM ·Spoilers

Why The F********ck Did I Not Try To Implement Uploading Videos Into Comments Was I That Fucking Lazy


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  • LMAO i just saw that, u also forgot gifs and mp3s dude, i mean mp3s aint a problem but gifs.. i tbink even my source had them at some point, due to arian helping me adding them
  • Sorry vros i think i took it directly from ariankordi/closedverse instead of like cedar-django and then arian tried merging the two and everything but gif support STILL got missed
  • probably because gifs weren't on cedar-django but i don't actually remember, i'm sure if you just allow gifs to be uploaded as a file format it'll work just fine
  • : ( No problem tho, idk if i could add them considering my lack of knowledge
  • ohh yea isnt that in some python file? pretty sure its in
  • If you want to liveshare with vscode to me i can add support real quick, shouldn't be terribly hard
  • Sure, I jus gotta install it again

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