You Know The Drill Community

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


06/05/2024 11:55 PM ·Spoilers

Can I be serious for a bit. I get it, having a "mental break" is not a laughing matter, but for fuck's sake, I do not understand how you dump all these posts on a recreation of a children's social media website that shut down over 6 years ago and think that you're not making a clown of yourself. Do you realize that most of us do not take what happens on this site seriously? This is just a little chaotic playground for us. I get that you're not in the right mental state right now but do realize that there's much better places to put your frustration than here. For those of us who used the original clones, this is nothing to us. We've seen far worse, any "drama" we see on clones nowadays is incredibly hard to take seriously.


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  • I apologize if this comes across as a bit rude but it is the truth of the matter. Perhaps it is not right to mock your mental state. But do realize that it is important to keep your emotions contained sometimes and not unleash them in a place where it is completely inappropriate to do so.
  • SMF9

    06/06/2024 12:00 AM · Edited · Spoilers

    ^^^^ Exactly, a lot of shit has happened (including to me when i was 13, making my first rehosts), i was too naive and too edgy and i had few beefs with people, (some of them are still thinking i'm a bad person) but like theres always been drama here i was for a long time involved in these and after i stopped caring, stopped acting like a baby i wasnt brought to any drama.
    At some point I liked making up beef w random people in lack of attention, maybe and also because I saw it made a few people laugh, but anyways its all about growing up in my opinion.
  • Also just know that the things u do aren't "odd", you're really just acting edgy like many clone users did and i'm not saying i was special neither.

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