You Know The Drill Community

Grey KnightKhonjin

06/06/2024 01:38 PM ·Spoilers

god why did i rejoin the site that kinda ruined my life for a while LMAO


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  • yo smf9 i remember you vaguely
    i'm going alright rn hru
  • yeah i was def more a user that people knew but i never knew the people back cause of my bad social anxiety that i still struggle with today lol
    ty you're cool too
  • i'm good thanks for asking, uhhhh sorry if u remember abt the dramas i had and shit,
  • that's good
    the only dramas i remember are ones with like arian and my own since people were really mean to me cause i liked castle crashers so i lashed out LMAO
  • oh nice, well all the things i did werent that memorable tbh and honestly it was just me acting edgy, guess i was just being 13yo lmfao
  • that's fair i was 14 and had bad family issues when i really started using miiverse clones so anything i said then is definitely hit or miss tbh
  • exactly well honestly i can relate, but it wasnt only because of that i js saw a few ppl were having fun w me being edgy and uhhh all i wanted was attention :)
  • in my case idk if i wanted attention per say but i def posted a lot cause i'm autistic and had a lot of free time, just ended up getting attention cause of how much i posted and refused to partake in drama lmao
  • Ain't autistic but like i'm kinda deranged lmfao and im dumb,,,,,,,,
    i think i just have comportement troubles with dyspraxia, das all ik
  • I mean stupid stuff happens all the time honestly, I agree with you. Especially with the dumbass shit I've done.
  • yeah especially as a kid/young teenager lmao

    if it weren't for these sites though i wouldn't have some of the friends i have so i have to have some respect for that
  • that's cool, anyways i'm happy having people who joined my original site here, feels js like 4yrs ago but better of course
  • yeah i saw jokko advertise it on twitter so i decided to join cause now that i'm 20 my experience will be much better lmao
    not to mention different management so
  • Jokko's supercharge is working... I Knew It
  • I'm 17 years old now but i think i already said that on the front page if u did read it
  • yeah i saw it lol

    funny how i'm older than the owner 💀
  • I KNOW i'm the youngest mf (nope theres cliffhanger whos 13 and many other ppl that are like what 15-16)
  • makes me wonder who's the oldest lmao
    i turn 21 in november so i've been 20 for a while
  • Miiverse clone relapse strikes again.
  • it always happens to me whenever a new one is made bruh
    probably the curiosity and wanting to be on one of these sites with more matureness and understand now that i'm older lmao

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