You Know The Drill Community

Grey KnightKhonjin

06/06/2024 01:48 PM ·Spoilers

anyone here like psychonauts


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  • I think I heard of it, is it good?
  • it's very good in my opinion
    my favorite game used to be castle crashers and while i still love it to death in the past year or so i've absolutely become obsessed with psychonauts and have replayed it like 6 times i believe?
  • I'll check it out!
  • tell me what you think of it i'd love to know lol
  • What genre of game is it? Cause tbh I don't really get out my comfort zone when it comes to trying games.
  • i get that i'm the same way lmfao

    it's a 3d platformer with collectibles you need to collect to level up and such with some combat and boss fights, since raz (the main character) is psychic there's mechanics like gliding, going invisible, lighting things on fire etc., i wanna say similar to banjo kazooie but i haven't played that as much so idk if it's a good comparison lol
  • *it's similar forgot a word smh
  • Yeah it's an awesome band
  • huh 💀
  • My friend likes that game and I'm library sharing with her I'm supposed to play it that's why she library shared with me
  • late reply cause i was offline but you should finally play it oooo you wanna play it so bad
  • Unfortunately rn I need to desperately get caught up with FFXIV's MSQ before DT releases but I'll probably play it after that
  • good enough

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