Announcements To Wake Up To

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


06/06/2024 08:25 PM ·Spoilers

The origins of the supercharge joke, for those who don't know: It all started (to my knowledge) with this comment made by Adrian on a Miiverse clone that DaKux and Sosig made in January of 2021. When I saw the comment I decided to make shitposts related to supercharging Miiverse clones myself because I thought Adrian's comment was so ridiculous and over-the-top that it was funny. I think I shitposted so much that it caught on to other users, including Adrian himself, Pip, and DaKux. I would continue to make supercharge posts even on Miiverse clones that Adrian wasn't a part of, like CloneMii, and that is how I ended up getting associated with the joke, even if Adrian was technically the one that started it. I would continue to make supercharge posts on Miiverse clones in 2022 and 2023, though not really as much as 2021. 2024 I made the Supercharge Central community on Sillyverse which I occasionally posted on, and now we're here on this clone, where I made Supercharge Central again, and the supercharge shitposting has reached a level that only clones from 2021 could match.


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  • thank you for the context, now that I have the origin story and supercharge code of conduct, I can behave accordingly in a society ruled by superchargers.
  • Jokko Knows He Can Use The Supercharge Central At Its Finest On This Site (No Offense Sillyverse)
  • But to be serious actually ngl the supercharge joke got funny when Jokko started using it and remixing it into his own joke, because adrian was just repeating the same shit, while Jokko is very creative, and Such
  • Jokko you a real one
  • ofc he a real one, hes the only mf i made admin that never abused his perms
  • I honestly completely forgot about this LOL
  • Jokko please supercharge the site thank you
  • i like supercharging, adrian is undercharged

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