You Know The Drill Community

this guy againkrillissue

06/07/2024 11:53 AM ·Spoilers

gm chat (where did the activity go)


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  • gm to you, there appears to be undercharge, but idk
  • Gee, Yeah There Is, Wonder Who's Responsible For That
  • Quit blaming me for the underharge bro the shit is over
  • You are now on tier 1 opp status since you wanna play w me
  • Homeboy you gotta know your place. I am Admin, you are Not. You calling me an "opp" means nothing to me or the rest of the site. Now quit blabbering and taking your dumps on this post made by a good friend of mine
  • CliffHanger sadly I do not think they're the one undercharging the site.... Their posts are always funny, supercharged, upscaled to 8K 144FPS, etc

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