Announcements To Wake Up To

Jokko The Supercharger, Owner of Clonapedia


06/09/2024 11:18 AM ·Spoilers

1 week from today, June 16, 2024, marks the 4 year anniversary of the Closedverse rehost. Do we have anything planned for that day? I dunno. Me personally, I don't have anything planned right now, other than an obligatory commemoration post and perhaps talking about my experiences with the rehost. If this site happens to stay alive for another week for me to do that, anyways. Which I'm confident it will. For the few of us who were around for it, was quite a unique experience for a rehost of a Miiverse clone made by some French kid over a year after the end of the Miiverse clone "era". There's certainly a lot that could be talked about.


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  • True, honestly I'm probably going to put a link to an archive when the day comes, and i'll try making the front page looking like it did before, could be funny

    Aside this, I'd say it was my best experience with clones, even tho I am not a "og", with that site I managed to see people posting shit every minute, which reminded me a lot of the closedverse archives I saw. The people were funny as hell, and it's too bad I couldn't keep it online a bit more, but I guess I was just too dumb to do so, and also yes this site is staying up, again I am not going to hold back js cuz of one raid or something and now ik how to stop one from happening so yeah

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