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Create a Closedverse account to make posts and comments to various communities, give Yeahs to other users' content, and interact with other members of the Closedverse community.
Please follow our rules. If you don't, be careful with your behavior.You must be 13 years of age or older to join, no exceptions.If you are suspected to be younger than 13 years old, we will ban you until you're 13.
* If your NNID doesn't work, it is probably because it was not archived.
All fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.
NNIDs are only required for getting a Mii from.
You will be able to change your avatar (or use a custom one) after you sign up.
%: If you don't fill in your email address, you can't reset your password until you have one.
$: Your username is used to log in. It'll appear similarly to your NNID on Miiverse, below your nickname.