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You Know The Drill Community

useless Satan

2 days ago

it's my birthday today

Barthouse12 Community

useless Satan

06/04/2024 04:42 PM

it would be so awesome if there were over 8 billion barthouses in this world.

You Know The Drill Community

useless Satan

06/04/2024 04:27 AM


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You Know The Drill Community


09/09/2024 05:35 AM

happy 7th!!!

Announcements To Wake Up To


09/09/2024 11:45 AM

Today, September 9, is a very special day in Miiverse clone history. On this day, 7 years ago in 20…

Announcements To Wake Up To


08/26/2024 12:48 PM

Closedverse's 7th anniversary is two weeks from now. Do I have anything planned? Not at the moment,…

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