DailyAnimalFacts's posts

Anything Goes Community 4


Spoilers· 06/17/2024 04:10 PM

Day 2: There is a species of lizard native to Central and South America called the Common basilisk which is capable of running on water. Due to the parallels between the basilisk's water running, and…

Music Sharing Community


Spoilers· 06/16/2024 08:01 PM

This song me feel like a badass auteur breaking new ground in whatever genre I'm doing.


06/23/2024 05:33 AM

mfw the song is associated with footage of old people at a pool

Anything Goes Community 4


Spoilers· 06/16/2024 10:43 AM

Day 1: Bees can actually get drunk from drinking fermented nectar, which results in impaired flying, and the high chance that they won't find their way home to the hive. If they do manage to to get b…