Jokko's followers
Proto Proto
rsonic rsonic
★3D Marcus marcus
The Pandoro 666
CliffHanger CliffHanger
The professional yapper of the site. Most of the stuff that I say probably isn't serious.
this guy again again grillissue
lol. lmao
Rixy Rixy
sysadmin of the website :3
Kirbyoshi pikachugba
Rina (Taiko no Tatsujin Ghost) paritee
was probably marina on og closedverse | 20 | ♾️🦋 | idk what else to put here
kitkatto kitkattoisnotcool
hi there! name's kitkatto, or gray as some of you guys know. im a dumbass i dont go on mvcs that much anymore but i'm gonna try to maybe have one post at least a day or maybe i'll use this mvc while it lasts, who knows #toonamirewind
cid letsmosey
Grey Knight Khonjin
20 years old and trans was on some OG miiverse clones (OG closedverse, cedar etc.) from 13-15 years old known as YoBlockTheater elsewhere, Khonjin is what i went by on OG clones hence why i use it here
ItsOmey Itsomey
rmck01 rmck01
I don't know
term term
b3c3 b3c3
hi, im b3c3 im fairly recent to miiverse clones (2020) but i didnt use them much until like 2022??
The text above my name says it all. I am here to SUPERCHARGE this site, and bring about the totally real revival of Miiverse clones 2024. I am admin and will serve this website to its bitter end.
I have a website if you care: