Jokko's follows
Proto Proto
The Pandoro 666
Rixy Rixy
sysadmin of the website :3
Kirbyoshi pikachugba
Rina (Taiko no Tatsujin Ghost) paritee
was probably marina on og closedverse | 20 | ♾️🦋 | idk what else to put here
bella swag swagtasticfella
this guy again again grillissue
lol. lmao
cid letsmosey
Grey Knight Khonjin
20 years old and trans was on some OG miiverse clones (OG closedverse, cedar etc.) from 13-15 years old known as YoBlockTheater elsewhere, Khonjin is what i went by on OG clones hence why i use it here
rmck01 rmck01
I don't know
term term
b3c3 b3c3
hi, im b3c3 im fairly recent to miiverse clones (2020) but i didnt use them much until like 2022??
Spinny Spinny
I'm like china, I try to delete the fact that history happened, Also if you try to email me, it wont go through since my smtp client isn't running ATM sorry:3
useless Satan Wichser
Barthouse12 Barthouse12
Moltern gaywilliamjohnson
The text above my name says it all. I am here to SUPERCHARGE this site, and bring about the totally real revival of Miiverse clones 2024. I am admin and will serve this website to its bitter end.
I have a website if you care: